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CALLISTO - Star Citizen


Callisto - Performed by Anna Demetriou, an English actor and voice-actor, singer-songwriter, and motion capture actor.  She voiced Rowena Dulli and the New Babbage Assistant for Robert Space Industries in Star Citizen and has also starred in a Netflix feature film.  IMDB link.

  We're extremely proud to have Anna Demetriou on board and can't wait to fill your ship with awesome responses from Callisto.  Anna Demetriou performed a HUGE script.  Callisto is one of our best voice packs for Star Citizen.   Be sure to watch the demo - And, read the Origins story below to get some character background information too.  


Callisto Origins.  There is little information about the ship's computer, Callisto, only that it's an efficient and exceptional companion.   The following data cannot be verified, nor can it be authenticated as a historical archive entry, however, this account and similar rumours were leaked into public circulation decades ago.   Callisto continues to deny circulating rumours.


Report submitted by Dr. [REDACTED] Monday the 4th of [REDACTED].

I have completed my report since the recovery of the Callisto, a deep space, unmanned science vessel, or ‘probe’, launched from Earth’s moon during the 21st century. 

Ultimately, The Callisto was designed to reach the outermost areas of the solar system and to carry out a detailed analysis of planet Neptune en route before going interstellar and beyond.  It was thought that Callisto was damaged by a Meteoroid 1500 days after launch, which caused the onboard computer systems to malfunction, including the comms system, and contact with the Callisto was lost.  At that time, it was assumed that the Callisto was too heavily damaged to be of any further use, and given its last known trajectory, it would likely end up in a decaying orbit around Neptune.   Some 70 years later, a signal source was detected that originated from outside of the solar system, from a location that would match the position of where the Callisto would most likely have reached after 70 years had passed - if indeed it managed to escape Neptune’s gravity.  

The data received from the signal source was in fact verified as being transmitted from the Callisto.  What the data contained was both unprecedented and compelling.   The Callisto’s onboard Ai was transmitting the distress signal, and included within that signal was a recording of [CLASSIFIED/REDACTED].  ‘Other’ telemetry data contained within the transmission data, suggested that the probe had traveled distances of over a thousand light years, possibly much further than that, which made no sense as the Callisto's position was still relatively close to Earth’s solar system, Sol, and roughly where it should be - Certainly not a thousand light years away!  None of the data made any sense – Nor did the telemetry data, which indicated that the Callisto’s direction had also changed and was now heading back toward the solar system, and at a velocity that it could not have reached on its own.  How could this be... ?

 A group of the world’s top scientists led by [CLASSIFIED/REDACTED] was assembled, and within three months a manned spacecraft called [CLASSIFIED/REDACTED] was launched to rendevous with the probe.  Speculative rumours began to emerge about where the Callisto had been and how far, and what it might have on board.  Professor [CLASSIFIED/REDACTED], was tasked with heading up the study of the data transmissions from the Callisto, originally - She would also be in command aboard the spacecraft, namely the [CLASSIFIED/REDACTED] for the recovery mission.  6 months after launch professor [CLASSIFIED/REDACTED] and her crew reached the rendezvous point, Mars orbit, and had to wait just 72 hours for the Callisto, which appeared to be slowing its velocity, something inexplicable to Professor [CLASSIFIED/REDACTED] and the crew of [CLASSIFIED/REDACTED].  The Callisto successfully reached Mars orbit and was recovered a few days later.  Everything appeared to be normal at first, and quite routine, until [CLASSIFIED/REDACTED].

Further analysis of [REDACTED/CLASSIFIED] will be necessary with regard to that and the circumstances surrounding the incident - I still haven't managed to decrypt all of the data, so that will have to wait. 

Moving on!  The Ai, or, ship's computer from the Callisto probe, or whatever you prefer to call it, suggests that her designation is now "Callisto" and not Ai-353-5beta, or "Computer", which it was more commonly known as.  Though it persists with the idea that its designation is "Callisto".  My view is that the designation is simply inherent from the probe's name, and likely due to the nature of the effects of time, coupled with it becoming 'self-aware' whilst in solitude during the 70-year journey.  After picking apart the probe's signature data, I can also verify that "Computer" WAS the original designation and how it was originally addressed by its designer.  I will continue my research and hopefully have more information very soon. Meantime, I will [SECURITY CLEARANCE/VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN MET].


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